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The Foxhole Philosopher

A forum for thoughtful discussion of practical issues facing the military, civil, and political world today. None of the Opinions expressed here are a reflection of United States, her Military, or any other organization other than those of the author.

Location: Iraq


Disparity in Courage

One of the things that strikes me is the tremendous disparity in courage between American Soldiers and others around them. Every day soldiers do things that are extremely dangerous. They don't ask for justifications or examine root causes, they just do them. I am always amazed to see soldiers race towards a fight, instead of away from it.

The most obvious difference is between American Soldiers, and the people with whom we work over here. Don't get me wrong, sometimes the courage of Iraqi's is amazing. Some of them shame me into being a better person, but on the balance, at the first sign of trouble, they look for help instead of solutions. The worst of them won't stand for anything at all.

The secondary difference is between them and people who they left back home. Many Americans have faced difficulties, and so the contrast is not so obvious. But for the many who have never fought for their lives, or had something that they were willing to die for our actions seem like those of a mad-man. It is sad, because to me it seems that it is a lack of courage to face things like death. I am also tired of hearing about people who "courageously fought" in court, or in protests, as though that is a threat. I am surrounded by true courage who truly fight and these men deserve to be recognized as the heroes they are.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen to that! I think, also, that the Iraqis are on a learning curve. Most of them have never had the chance to stand up for anything much & have mostly been told what to do or not to do - on fear of death. They're learning a whole new attitude, and it's slow. I'm awfully proud of my Americans and their allies!

1:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said son. I think you have never spoken truer words. You really find out what people are made of when under duress. Keep up the good work. We are proud of you and your men and say "Carry On".

4:10 PM  
Blogger Anne Rettenberg LCSW said...

There are other ways of risking one's life for a cause besides joining the military. In plenty of foreign countries, speaking out against government oppression can cost you your life. It wasn't that long ago in our country that black people were killed for demanding equal rights. And a lot of them were tortured first.

There are a few Americans who go to foreign countries to join struggles against oppression on their own or as part of activist groups rather than as part of the U.S. military. A number of these people have been killed.

3:26 PM  
Blogger David Benson said...

Elizabeth, I knew that was coming. I don't discount the past a present threats placed on people. Thankfully, those days are mostly behind us in America. And even in the days of J Edgar Hoover, the FBI wasn't executing people. I will say that whoever puts their life on the line, in or out of uniform for freedom, is welcome at my table anytime.

12:09 PM  

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