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The Foxhole Philosopher

A forum for thoughtful discussion of practical issues facing the military, civil, and political world today. None of the Opinions expressed here are a reflection of United States, her Military, or any other organization other than those of the author.

Location: Iraq



Well, I haven't seen Armageddon, but I think I now know how I will feel if I do. The other day was the sort that nothing seemed like it could go right. Thankfully none of my guys were hurt, but they were sure wore out after such a long day. I am starting to believe that a lot of the conflict in the world is coming from childish behavior, although, in fairness, sometimes we resort to our inner child when times are worst.

I am sorry that I have not been writing a lot, but I have been away from the internet, and only have a few moments here now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Dave,

Sorry to bother you again, but I was wondering if you got my response email from a couple weeks back. Email's been spotty back here in college the last few weeks and I wanted to make sure things didn't get lost somewhere along the way.

Good to see you're still posting.


12:28 PM  

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