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The Foxhole Philosopher

A forum for thoughtful discussion of practical issues facing the military, civil, and political world today. None of the Opinions expressed here are a reflection of United States, her Military, or any other organization other than those of the author.

Location: Iraq


Getting Shot At

Well, I am sure that many people out there have had the experience of being fired I at. I myself have been on the recieving end of more than a few mortar volleys, and one IED. That is a thrill all it's own. However, today, I had my own little brush with life and death. Because of operational security concerns, and worries over my mothers cardiac health I won't go over the overall operation just yet, but I will comment a little on the experience.

I don't know if it is common, but I was totally unaware of the situation around me. Oh, I knew that people were shooting at us, and I saw the exploding mortars, but my only concern was with what I was supposed to do. I knew that there were possibly Iraqi casualties, and I was looking for them, and I knew the enemy was out there somewhere and I was looking for them too. It was all quite surreal. You do act exactly like you do when you are training also. It is uncanny how much that is true.

Thankfully, there was no one hurt, as far as I know on either side. That makes it all rather like the best ride ever. I am sure I would feel differently if someone were hurt, but the adrenaline rush is incredible.

By the way, I have never seen anyone so glad to see me, or those with me, as the Iraqi's when we pulled up. I hope once time has passed enough for security I can put my story up here, as well.


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