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The Foxhole Philosopher

A forum for thoughtful discussion of practical issues facing the military, civil, and political world today. None of the Opinions expressed here are a reflection of United States, her Military, or any other organization other than those of the author.

Location: Iraq



Being as today is Sunday, I thought I would take a break from all this heavy political discussion and talk about something that is really in the foxhole. Happiness seems to be what everyone in the world wants. However, most people seem to be unable to find it.

Of course, happiness has its immediate political repercussions as well. When people are not happy they riot, strike, or revolt. But many people just turn away, and become cold and distant. Those kind of people don't make bad neighbors, but they don't make good ones either. It only takes a few bad neighbors before the whole neighborhood is unliveable. Even worse, what do you do when you have a project that is for the greater good and you can't rely on the people around you.

I find that there are basically two places that people look for happiness. First most people will look outside themselves. That is to say they will hope or believe that when they have a girlfriend or boyfriend, a new car, a new job, a new house they will then be happy. Perhaps those things bring a degree of happiness. However, things, and even other people in our lives are like trees by the side of the river of life. You may wish to stay with them but as life flows on the scenery around us changes.

The people who ultimately find happiness, turn within themselves. They look at who they are, and sometimes discover that there are certain personal changes that are necessary, before they can be happy. They also learn that no matter who you are nad how hard you try you are not going to be happy all of the time. They accept the transitory nature of felicity, and enjoy it when it comes.

Happiness, and joy in life is really the only thing that anyone wants. When people look outside themselves it often becomes a driving political force. However, that is another topic for another day.


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